GFWC La Verne-San Dimas Woman's Club was formed in August of 2015 and chartered at the CFWC State Convention in May of 2016. The club is part of the Foothill District, California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC), General Federal of Women's Clubs (GFWC).
My symbol is a beautiful, shining star. “Every act of kindness sparkles like a star. Embrace the power of kindness and shine brightly)”
The GFWC La Verne-San Dimas Woman’s Club has members from La Verne, San Dimas, and other neighboring cities. Members are a diverse group of women that are married, single, stay-at-home mothers, grandmothers, women in business and education, and retired from a wide variety of careers. All are dedicated to making a difference in their communities while having fun doing it.
The club has multiple projects that they are involved with through volunteer participation and donations. The projects include organizations such as Sowing Seeds for Life, Shepherd's Pantry, Haynes Family of Programs, Meals on Wheels, March of Dimes, House of Ruth, Crossroads and more. It is a flexible club as it allows members to participate at the level they are able given that many members have multiple commitments and responsibilities. Our primary focus areas are Commitment to Compassion as we participate in projects that help those in need; Commitment to the Community as we participate with community activities in La Verne and San Dimas that make a positive difference; Commitment to Self Care as we participate in activities that help us stay healthy physically and emotionally; Commitment to Friendship as we are always there to that support each other and enhance the camaraderie we share.
The club has social events that provide opportunities for building camaraderie and friendships. Over the years they have had lunch, dinner, and park meet-ups, social teas, museum outings and of course the annual holiday dinner. The club has a regular monthly membership meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Ladies that are interested in joining the club can send an email to lvsdwomansclub91750@gmail.com
Interested individuals should visit the website at www.lvsd.org and the club’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gfwclavernesandimas
We invite you to join us, or become a member. You can send an email to lvsdwomansclub91750@gmail.com
You can also contact our Co-2nd VP/Membership Chairs, Sonya Whatley (srwhately@yahoo.com) or Jody Mentzer (foxyjodi@verizon.net). You can also email me at carney.marlene@gmail.com
We are waiting to hear from you. We are an amazing group of women that shine brightly. Join us.